About Us

Our Vision, Mission, Objectives Slogan and More About Us!!!


Ushirika Huru vision is “to become an excellent tool that shares,  promotes and develops the good practices for  leadership and governance in cooperatives"


To equip and develop cooperative leaders, and promote the good practices for leadership and governance" and raises awareness to defend the "Co-operative Identity" through supporting  and promoting leadership training and development. 
  1. To promote leadership development and reproduce generations of leaders in cooperative  sector.
  2. To impart appropriate cooperative knowledge and skills to individual members, and to leaders on  good practices for  leadership and governance.
  3.  To broaden public understandings on cooperative principles and values.  
  4. To create an on line avenue for discussing different matters pattern cooperative issues
  5. To increase public awareness about cooperatives and their contributions to socioeconomic development through sharing success stories of cooperatives.  

Ushirika Huru we value:
  • We value integrity and democratic control 
  • We value tradition of shared success
  • Mutuality and self reliance
  •  Being responsible stewards in our communities
  • our people and their cooperative spirit


"Building Cooperative Leaders For  Better Cooperative"
 More About Us

Also this blog works to promote the contributions of cooperatives to socioeconomic development, particularly their impact on poverty reduction, employment generation and social integration; ensuring that co-operative enterprise is a recognized form of enterprise that is able to compete in the marketplace and innovatively linking and serving societies.



Unknown said...

well good initiatives keep it up!

Unknown said...

FOR SUCH A SEASON AS THIS, Tanzania needs a strong cooperative revive for community economic empowerment. its a good initiative to lets public knows that just social order and economic prosperity is a result of good political and economic systems. We should not just wait for the cooperative to do for us rather let us think what can we do for the cooperative movement in Tanzania.